Jared Roberts
AKA #Thrashdad, Jazza, Jaz, J-Rod, Rodney, Jarrie - depending on who you are talking to.
I live in a parallel universe which makes my days and nights very interesting.
Let me explain…
"by day..."
I work as a Senior Software Engineer for ISW - a really great Australian company - and IBM Premier Business Partner based in Hobart, with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide.
My core expertise is in IBM software - spending most of my time with IBM Connections, Sametime, WebSphere Portal & Application Server, Notes/Domino. More recently I have been immersed in Cloud IaaS and SaaS solutions, IT Security and Mobility across all platforms.
In 2017 and 2018 I have been awarded IBM Champion for Collaboration Solutions and have presented at Australian IT tech conferences (usually about IBM software!)
Technology I regularly use/build/consult/fix/support:
IBM Connections, IBM Sametime, IBM Notes/Domino, IBM WebSphere Portal (Digital Experience), IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM MaaS360, IBM Forms Experience Builder, IBM Security Integrator, IBM Security Access Manager, IBM BigFix, Panagenda MarvelClient, Panagenda ConnectionsExpert, YTria Tools, Microsoft Office365, IBM Softlayer, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, WordPress, Blogger.
"by night..."
Drummer for Desecrator - a heavy metal band from Melbourne. No - not the ‘rah rah’ kind of screamy stuff you’re thinking of… (I happen to love that kind of music by the way) think of it as ‘really fast rock n roll’… but like - really fast ;-) with words you can understand….
We are a fairly busy band and tour a fair bit - just in the past 18 months we have completed 8 tours and about 150-odd shows in many countries including Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, Mexico, Brazil and good old Australia!
We’ve got to play with some amazing bands (and heroes!) such as Overkill, Venom Inc, Trivium, In Flames, Sepultura, Crowbar, Vital Remains, Havok, Tankard, Hirax, Toxic Holocaust, Forbidden and many more!
We’ve released a new album out in March 2017 called 'To The Gallows" and have just coming to the end of the touring cycle behind that release. Next step - a new album and more touring to do!
I am an endorsee of Pearl drums, Rech cymbals, Chaos drumheads and Los Cabos drum sticks. Check the band out if you like…
My gear:
Pearl Drums - 22” bass drum (x2), 10”/12”/15” tom, 14” steel snare.
Pearl Hardware - Icon Rack, 930 series cymbal stands and accessories
Rech Cymbals - Diablo, Prestige, Radiant and Dimensions series (x12)
Chaos Drumheads - Hammerdin, Monarch
Los Cabos Drumsticks - 3A Wood Tip, 5B Nylon Tip
Away from all that, husband to Sallie, dad to Theo and Annie, son of some parents, brother to some siblings, cool uncle to some cool kids, friend of many, love beer & coffee, play drums/guitar/bass/sing, closet aviation enthusiast/plane nerd, dabble in music production/studio mixing, hate reality TV, love cooking TV, not good at sports.
This blog will be mainly for the tech side of my world... feel free to share, comment - or point out glaringly obvious errors ;-)