10 January 2018

creating Docker Images for IBM Digital Experience

Following a couple of leads from Amir Barkal and WASdev - I've managed to create a fairly small (ish) Docker Image with a fully working instance of IBM Digital Experience (WebSphere Portal).

This was in response to a customer requesting a repeatable, easy, portable and disposable method of spinning up DX instances for development and testing of apps, features etc. as part of a wider continuous delivery model.

Docker Files and instructions for building the image are on my GitHub.
I created this image on a CentOS 7 server - and pushed it to DockerHub (private repository) so it can be pulled from anywhere. I was able to pull it locally on my MacBook High Sierra running Docker, and tested it on Docker for Windows 10 as well.


  • The instructions assume that you are licensed to use IBM Digital Experience - so you'll need to download the parts from Passport Advantage using your IBM ID.
  • The finalised image is around 4.7 GB - on an fairly sluggish internet connection it took me about 60 minutes to pull the image.


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